Connecting with other industry professionals and learning together is one of the best ways to advance professionally, benchmark how your company is doing, and gain fresh insights on topics you might not have discussed before.
We recognize that forums for competitors to come together and not compete but grow, learn, benchmark, compare, contrast, and connect are a necessary and important part of solving EHS and sustainability challenges.
Antea Group facilitates several environmental, sustainability, and industry consortiums, including the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable, Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council, EHSxTech®, and EHSxRetail. Through these collaborative gatherings, we encourage stakeholder engagement beyond each company’s operations and help you hone in on your goals and next steps to address the future of EHS and sustainability.
Connecting People and Insights
We have been running consortiums since 1998, helping companies connect with one another to learn more about EHS and sustainability for two decades.
Our consortiums started because we heard industry professionals wondering how others in their industry were solving common problems, improving their EHS programs, and adapting to new regulations. Since the very beginning, we have been passionate about bringing global companies together to find solutions and insights on issues that impact workers, the environment, and business.
We have founded consortiums to help others learn more about their industries. But we don’t just set it and forget it – we run them, facilitate the events, lend our expert insights, connect the right people to help facilitate and attend, and market their innovative ideas. Antea Group does this because we are passionate about seeing collaboration and action in making the world a safer, healthier, and more sustainable place. We also participate in other consortiums, including the ReMADE Institute and the Latin American Water Funds Partnership.
Companies all around the world, whether they operate in the food and beverage industry, oil and gas, technology, or other sectors, share the same core EHS and sustainability challenges. Consortiums break down barriers and allow everyone to discuss challenges and successes openly, creating industry and company value.
Exploring EHS and Sustainability Possibilities
We run consortiums that address the growing challenges and innovations to the issues that matter most: keeping people safe and improving environmental sustainability. With ideas and input from a variety of different companies and partners, our consortiums provide a wealth of industry resources. Read on to learn more about our unique consortiums and their directors.
Into sustainability?
- The Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) is a coalition of global beverage industry leaders committed to accelerating sustainability in their industry and beyond. BIER serves as a technical resource and knowledge base, offering tools and work products to help companies increase transparency throughout the value chain, establish relationships with strategic stakeholders, and make progress towards their sustainability goals.
BIER’s Executive Director, Nick Martin, is inspired by the companies who decide to talk out sustainability challenges together, saying “Sector consortiums like BIER are a powerful and increasingly important vehicle in the sustainability movement. The inherent peer pressure drives continuous performance across individual members, but the real magic is in the group think that takes place in developing tools, methods, and innovations. Companies could pursue these efforts independently, but the collaborative outputs are far more advanced, effective, and digestible by key stakeholders.”
- The Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council (HPRC) is dedicated to increasing the amount of hospital plastic products and packaging recycled at every step of the supply chain. HPRC engages in pioneering projects designed to help boost plastics recycling efforts in clinical settings of hospitals. They also partner with technology innovators to explore new modes and methods of recycling.
Peylina Chu, HPRC’s Executive Director, explains how collaboration has the potential to change mindsets and remove barriers. She says, “Recognizing the multi-faceted and unique challenges to recycling healthcare plastics, industry leaders across the value chain (many of them competitors) have come together to collaboratively tackle the barriers to recycling. Each stakeholder in the value chain has a different perspective, and each HPRC member has had an ‘aha’ moment that would have never been recognized without the collection of people around the table.”
Is EHS more your style?
- EHSxTech offers the unique opportunity for tech industry professionals to collaborate, share insights and struggles, and tackle common challenges for individual, collective, and industry-wide benefit.
Peylina Chu, Director of EHSxTech, believes tech companies do better when they work together, and has seen the progress organizations make when they find areas of commonality and understanding, saying “Tech companies pride themselves on unique products, services, and cultures, but it’s amazing how much in common they have when it comes to EHS. Through our EHSxTech forum, companies can share insights, best practices, and challenges to help each other and collectively elevate EHS within the tech industry.”
- EHSxRetail allows retail companies to address the complex and ever-evolving world of environmental, health, safety, and sustainability issues in their industry, learning how to overcome health and safety challenges and elevate their EHS programs to the forefront of their businesses.
Angie Stagg, leader of EHSxRetail, defines how the group promotes safety in low-risk, retail environments, saying, “EHSxRetail has been a great platform for open discussions and sharing among leaders in the industry and the intimate setting gives the participants a safe environment to learn from each other and discuss best practices and successful ways to further EHS in retail.”
We are proud to have grown these thriving consortiums over the years. Being a part of the journey toward EHS success, staying in compliance, and facing the sustainability challenges of tomorrow is rewarding, important, and we are excited to see how our consortiums help companies understand their issues better as time goes on.
Contact us to learn more about our leading industry coalitions.
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