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EHS Data and Knowledge Management
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EHS Data and Knowledge Management

Independent and holistic technology support.

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Marshall Stageberg
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Other Related Services

  • Technology Needs Evaluation
  • Technology Requirements Compilation and Writing
  • Independent Technology Research and Recommendations
  • Technology Platform Implementation and Coordination Support
  • Technology Platform Management and Reporting
  • Technology Vendor Management

Power Up Your EHS Program with Technology

We help you collect, manage, and understand your environment, health, safety, and sustainability (EHS&S) data to enable better business decisions.

 Antea®Group has a deep understanding of EHS&S data management tools and our experts objectively connect you to the tools that best fit your needs. As a neutral third-party, we can help power up your EHS&S programs with technology, maximize adoption, and optimize performance.

Our EHS&S data and knowledge management services are a customizable one-stop-shop, from requirements development to research, design to implementation, and integration to execution. This frees up internal bandwidth, prevents overwhelm, and ensures that you get the right tools to achieve your EHS&S business objectives.

Let Us Do the Legwork

Our EHS&S and technology consultants can support your organization regardless of your maturity level, from “still using spreadsheets” to sophisticated systems. With over 10 years of experience helping clients implement technology solutions, we are EHS&S consultants first -- we speak your language, understand your goals, and can help you use technology as a tool to achieve them. Whether your focus is employee safety, compliance audits, due diligence, energy management, global EHS&S data, or environmental liability management, we can help.

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