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Work Helmets and Jackets Hanging Up
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Working safely is the most important thing we do each day.

Commitment to Health and Safety
What We Do
Commitment to Health and Safety
Commitment to Sustainability
Commitment to Wellness
Commitment to DEI
Industry Consortiums
Inogen Alliance

Our Health & Safety Commitment

Performing our work safely while proactively managing risk and protecting the environment is a fundamental accountability that requires diligence, rigor, and a conscientious process.

To help us achieve our goal of zero work-related injuries, Antea®Group follows a detailed Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Management System built from 13 essential elements and designed to foster continuous evaluation and improvement. These elements provide the framework and define the day-to-day accountabilities required to ensure a consistent, company-wide culture focused on preserving the health and safety of employees, clients, and communities where we operate.

The 13 Elements of our Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Management System

  • Roles and Accountabilities
  • Performance Measurement and Assessment
  • Risk Assessment and Management
  • Management of Change
  • HSSE Plans
  • Documentation
  • Training and Communication
  • Security
  • Incident Management
  • Environment
  • Contractor Management
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Stakeholder Awareness
Visit our Health and Safety Consulting page for more information on our services.