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Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Audit Readiness
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Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Audit Readiness

In today’s regulatory environment, customer demands, and investor expectations, monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and demonstrating a rigorous, verifiable process has become an integral aspect of conducting business. We are here to help with your Scope 1, 2, and 3 needs. 

Scope 1 emissions encompass direct emissions produced by an organization, including those from owned or controlled sources such as on-site fuel combustion, vehicle fleets, and industrial processes. Managing these emissions is crucial for reducing a company's immediate environmental impact and achieving operational efficiency.

Scope 2 emissions refer to indirect emissions associated with purchased electricity, heat, or steam. These emissions result from energy consumption but occur off-site, often generated by a third party. Effectively addressing Scope 2 emissions involves sourcing cleaner energy options and minimizing carbon intensity within the supply chain.

Scope 3 emissions, often the most extensive category, encompass all other indirect emissions along the value chain, including activities like transportation, employee commuting, business travel, and product lifecycle emissions. Tackling Scope 3 emissions is essential for achieving a holistic approach to sustainability and often requires collaboration with suppliers, customers, and partners.

A Trusted Partner for Your Business Needs

Our team brings years of technical and strategic industry expertise to help you manage this new business requirement. Whether you are creating your company’s inaugural greenhouse gas inventory or preparing for third party validation of your current inventory, we have the tools and experience to help you achieve your goals.  

Our Greenhouse Gas Inventory Process

Our Services for Greenhouse Gas Inventories

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