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Environmental Audits and Assessments
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Environmental Audits and Assessments

Antea®Group's environmental, health, and safety practitioners are experienced in providing auditing support to our clients. We help our clients establish audit programs, including the development of protocols, execution of audits, tracking of findings, as well as designing and evaluating key metrics. Our team will provide unbiased 3rd party environmental auditing services, as well as integrating within a client’s audit team. Additionally, we offer custom auditor training services for our clients. Whether you oversee a single location or have accountability for hundreds of facilities worldwide, our team is here to help.

Global Reach

Antea Group's global network of environmental auditors delivers regulatory expertise in 120 countries. This boots-on-the-ground, in-country experience allows us to assess and interpret applicable local, regional, and national requirements, helping you evaluate and mitigate organizational, programmatic, and operational EHS vulnerabilities

Industry Experience

In addition to our extensive environmental consulting expertise, many of our auditors have deep industry experience, both at the facility level and within the corporate management structure. We utilize our deep familiarity with applicable vetted protocols, customized to your needs, providing both detailed audit working papers as well as a template for follow-up audits.

Smart Glasses for Remote Audits

When in-person site visits are not possible, smart glasses can be used to visually audit and inspect a property and its operations – both inside or outside – and stream or record data for interpretation, interactive Q&A, and photo documentation. Via computer and secure interface, multiple people can engage remotely in real-time review of facility operations and site features. Environmental Business Journal® (EBJ) honored Antea Group with a 2020 EBJ Business Achievement Award in the "Technology Merit" category for our use of smart glasses for virtual auditing.


Our Environmental Auditing and Assessment Services

  • Mock Environmental Regulatory Audits and Baseline Assessments to Measure Regulatory Compliance

  • EHS Applicability Assessments

  • Audit Program Development

  • Audit Training

  • Internal Audit Program Verification

  • Management System Gap Analysis Assessments (ISO14001 & Internal Company/Corporate Procedures)

  • Custom Audit Protocols and Audit Reports

  • Mobile Audit Tools

  • Media or Subject-Focused Audits

  • Sector-Specific Audits

  • Regulatory Applicability Assessments

  • Acquisition Audits as a Part of Due Diligence/Mergers & Acquisition Assessment (with Materiality Threshold)

  • EHS Integration Assessments

  • Sustainability Audits

  • Risk-Based Audits

  • Audit Data Management (Metrics, Leading & Lagging Indicators, Risk Prioritization)

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Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety, and sustainability needs today.