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Grocery Store Aisle
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EHS Auditing for a Big-Box Retailer


An international “big box” retailer struggled with assessing risks and implementing solutions for the environmental, health and safety risks in several of their non-retail business units. These ancillary units included a meat processing facility, a print shop, an eyewear manufacturing facility, and several regional distribution centers. Our client needed a logical and consistent approach to better understand the risks that were present, baseline the level of compliance, and establish an audit protocol that an internal team could use in the future.


Antea Group developed custom EHS protocols that were specific to the individual business units and addressed the unique risks and local regulations. The final protocols were developed with client involvement, creating a product tailored to their specific needs and goals. Experienced and certified Antea Group auditors utilized the protocols to conduct two-day onsite audits at each business. This included interviews with personnel, review of documentation and records, and evaluation of processes to develop a complete picture of the level of compliance and to identify risks. Audit reports were prepared and included regulatory citations, prioritized findings based on potential risk, and suggestions for corrective actions and resolutions.


The audit process was successful and provided the client with information and tools to allow them to effectively manage their ongoing risk at non-retail locations. The audit process and follow-up included education of both site personnel and the corporate EHS team, who gained a deeper understanding of the EHS risks present at their non-retail locations. The audit report provided a road map for prioritizing the resolution of findings and helped provide an understanding of their greatest opportunities for improving their overall EHS performance. The process also provided the Client with tools to utilize internally for periodic evaluation of their performance with internal resources.

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Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety, and sustainability needs.

Lauren Corbett Noon
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