Meet Pam Womack, a member of our Human Resources and Recruiting team based in our St. Paul, Minnesota office. 


Pam Womack 



Practice Area:


Areas of Expertise:

Whatever you need it to be- I can help!  

About Me in 140 Characters:

I love life and what I’ve been able to accomplish at Antea Group the last 17 years. Shout out to my manager Andy Winsor and Rosanna Ouellette-Pesicka for sometimes just letting me do my thing. Even when the moments are a bit cringy! Haha 

I have a favorite quote that sums it up better than any words I could write, and I have it hanging on a canvas in my bedroom. It’s entitled “Here’s to the Crazy Ones”. The last line states “And while some may see them as crazy, we see them as genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do!”   

Favorite Thing about Being a Recruiting Practitioner:

Meeting people and hearing their stories….everyone has one. Sometimes we just need to take the time to listen.  

What is a key ingredient for success as a Recruiting practitioner?

Networking. I never miss an opportunity to have a conversation with anyone, anywhere…. airport, restaurant, standing in line at the grocery store. Yep, I’m THAT person! I’m not afraid to put myself out there.   

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Traveling and making connections with students for the Campus Program! My internal colleagues are all pretty cool too and make my job fun! I have awesome, supportive coworkers surrounding me!  

What do you consider your biggest professional achievement so far?

Just seeing the recruiting program evolve. When I started it was very simplified. I love seeing how it’s grown & knowing I had a hand in that.  

What was your first job?

I had to dress up as a clown (imagine that) at a roller-skating rink. I was also in charge of concessions. I learned to multi-task early on. I had an incident with the cotton candy machine (think of the I Love Lucy episode where she’s on the assembly line at the chocolate factory). I loathe cotton candy to this day! ???? 

What TV show character do you identify most with?

Wonder Woman! Charlies Angels and Nancy Drew run a close second.  

Is there something unique that people might not know about you?

I’ve been known to book a vacation one day and travel out the next- no plan in mind. Interesting adventure at the back-alley fortune cookie factory in San Francisco. Little did I know the ‘fortunes’ I brought back for my coworkers as a surprise in HR were not necessarily the most appropriate! But we had a good laugh- sorry girls. Lol

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