Meet Natalya Holm, Sustainability Practitioner and co-leader of Antea Group's Water Stewardship service line.
Natalya Holm
Practice Area:
Area of Expertise:
Water Stewardship Services Leader
About Me in 140 Characters:
I am a passionate water nerd, keen traveler, avid reader, and devoted animal lover.
Favorite Thing about Being a Sustainability Practitioner:
Being a sustainability consultant is very exciting because every project and every client is different. Every day I am faced with new challenges and opportunities to learn something new! This role is also very fulfilling because we get to make a positive impact on our client’s businesses, employees, and the communities that they operate in.
What is the most interesting project you’ve ever worked on?
Last year, I worked on a project to help a luxury cosmetics manufacturer client develop their corporate water program, including setting corporate water goals and targets and developing a roadmap for action. The client blew me away with their engagement, willingness to learn, and desire to become a leader in water stewardship. It was a very rewarding experience for all of us.
What is a key ingredient for success as a Sustainability practitioner?
A key ingredient for success as a Sustainability Practitioner is listening to the client and understanding their needs. This allows Antea Group to create a customized experience for each client and meet them wherever they are on their Sustainability journey.
The other key aspect to success is to never stop learning. The sustainability field is constantly evolving, and we have to stay ahead of the wave both for personal growth and to make sure we provide our clients with the best advice.
What do you consider your biggest professional achievement so far?
Since stepping into the Water Stewardship service line role, our team has developed and published our 8-step Water Stewardship Leadership Cycle to help guide our clients on their water journey. The cycle was adapted from leading frameworks in water stewardship, including the CEO Water Mandate and the Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard, and weaves in a lot of the compounded experience from my predecessors at Antea Group.
Is there something unique that people might not know about you? (hobbies, hidden talents, etc.)
I grew up in Kazakhstan in a mixed Russian-Italian family of engineers. I went to International Schools and moved around quite a bit. Before moving to the United States for college, I lived in several countries. I definitely grew up with a love for travel, learning different languages, and experiencing different cultures. I also constantly cycle between creative outlets, from painting miniatures to cross-stitching.
If you had one month off, where would you go or what would you do?
If I had a month off, I would love to go on a road trip across Europe to visit friends and family! I would also squeeze in learning at least one more language in there.
If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is likely a controversial choice, but hear me out – salad. You can put anything on top of greens and call it a salad. And, it can be a regular salad, or a warm salad, or a fruit salad, or a pasta salad. The options are endless!
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