Meet Erica Pann, a Sustainability Practitioner, and Water Stewardship services Co-Lead!
Associated with the Rocky Mountain Office (but I work remotely from my home office outside of Kansas City, Missouri!)
Practice Area:
Areas of Expertise:
Water Stewardship Services Lead & ESG Advisory Services
About Me in 140 Characters:
I am a dedicated and passionate water stewardship and sustainability practitioner. My biggest goal in my career is to provide transparent yet strategic support to my clients that helps drive meaningful and impactful change. I am fiercely loyal to my friends and family, have two doodles (Greta and Bella), and I love to snowboard, hike, swim, read, and revel in the natural beauty of our planet.
Favorite Thing about Being a Sustainability Practitioner:
The most rewarding thing about being a sustainability practitioner is witnessing the impact that Antea Group’s recommendations can have on companies. For example, in the water space, it is incredibly rewarding to see small changes internally at a company drive huge results at the watershed level towards being better water stewards and neighbors.
What is the most interesting project you’ve ever worked on?
I have been lucky enough to work more and more with the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER). Last year I was part of a team that worked to publish the Water Circularity Good Practices Guide in which we coalesced insights from many industries to help provide a how-to guidance document on implementing water circularity projects. This workstream has continued to develop into additional work with BIER as well as an area of personal expertise that I am striving to grow and refine.
What is a key ingredient for success as a Sustainability practitioner?
In the world of sustainability consulting, things are moving and changing very fast. I think it is imperative for us to be able to pivot as our understanding of the industry and key markets shifts; that we not let our personal beliefs define how we interpret the industry around us and are able to be nimble and dynamic in our solutions to best support our clients.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
I have really enjoyed being a part of the growth that sustainability practice and myself as an individual have experienced at Antea Group. I have felt very supported by my colleagues and mentors when I’ve raised my hand to say “Hey, I would like to try something new” or “I would like to experience more of that”. This has started to come full circle because I am also able to help guide the development of my team members to ensure that people are challenged and end up working on things that they are truly passionate about. I strongly believe that individuals who are working on things that they love will always do a better job- so I think it is all of our responsibility to make sure we are helping to facilitate that within ourselves and on our teams.
What was your first job?
Born and raised in Jackson Hole, Wyoming (a town very dependent upon tourism), my first job was in a restaurant as a hostess. I worked my way through college serving tables and believe that it has informed the person (and employee) that I am.
If you had one month off, where would you go or what would you do?
I studied in Southern France during college and have always wanted to go back. With a month off I would go to the Mediterranean, starting in France then heading to Greece and Morocco. My goal would be to not make a single plan or schedule anything and to truly let the trip unfold serendipitously.
Is there something unique that people might not know about you? (hobbies, hidden talents, etc.)
My dad taught us all how to yodel so that we could keep in touch with each other while out on the ski hill…so I am a novice yodeler?!
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