Erica Pann, EIT, CWEP
Carbon & Climate Service Leader
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- Erica Pann
Erica Pann is a passionate environmental engineer, certified water efficiency professional (CWEP) and water stewardship practitioner with over 6 years of experience providing sustainability and EHS consulting support. She specializes in water efficiency projects, wastewater circularity, reuse & recycling, source vulnerability evaluations, water risk assessments and helping clients set strategic targets around their water use. Erica’s experience spans the environmental engineering and water stewardship disciplines in a variety of sectors including food & beverage, oil & gas, manufacturing, chemical, technology and retail. In addition to her water stewardship expertise, she has significant experience in sustainability consulting with a focus in ESG strategy development, materiality assessments, ESG report drafting & corporate disclosure, as well as air emissions management, site assessment & remediation and environmental health & safety projects. Erica holds Bachelors of Science degrees in Environmental Engineering, Engineering Science, and International Studies with a Minor in the French language. Erica is based in the Kansas City, Missouri area.
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