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- EHS Due Diligence
Due Diligence
As a critical component of any property transaction where potential environmental risks are a concern, properly conducted environmental due diligence services provide you with timely and accurate information needed to protect your investment.
Providing Timely and Accurate Information to Protect Your Investment
Antea Group’s approach to due diligence is both multifaceted and proactive, designed to deliver comprehensive data for informed decisions to help you minimize environmental risks and maximize marketplace opportunity.
Our experts can assist you with due diligence support for every type of commercial real estate transaction — whether merger, acquisition, or divestment — assuring a full understanding of the broad framework of the environmental liabilities associated with each transaction and addressing the specific business risk and risk tolerances for each party involved.
For a Single Site or Across a Global Portfolio of Sites
With over 25 years of due diligence experience at commercial and industrial properties, both in the U.S. and abroad, we deliver property risk management strategies that identify and quantify environmental liabilities and compliance-related risks. Whether you are working with a single site or a complex global portfolio of sites, we have the resources, tools and processes to execute time sensitive, cost effective and standardized due diligence services.
With access to over 4,500 environmental professionals through the Inogen Alliance and the use of a best-in-class web-based information management system, we can collect, evaluate, and report on environmental risks related to properties anywhere in the world with the level of accuracy and transparency required of sound business transactions. We focus on both the tangible and intangible risks to help you understand the complete picture of your transaction.
Our Due Diligence Services
Desktop Reviews
To screen the targets for known issues, data room reviews, review of commercially available databases, and review of publicly available information from regulators, agencies, or otherwise.
Site Visits
To review the site operations, conditions, infrastructure, interview personnel, and assess the potential for neighboring or regional issues.
With facility-level personnel as well as interviews with the c-suite team to ferret out less tangible issues, geared around specific topics (culture, management systems, organization, pending litigation, formerly owned properties, etc.).
Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
More formal processes used to identify and/or characterize potential subsurface contamination risks (i.e., soil, groundwater, soil vapor).
Material Compliance Reviews (MCR)
Formal reviews of site conditions and operations to identify compliance risks that are material to the deal, associated with applicable environmental, health, and safety regulations.
Screening tools include product stewardship assessments, assessment of water resourcing risks, energy efficiency evaluations, sustainability programs (benchmarking), GHG/Climate Change screening assessments.
Financial Reviews
To evaluate reserves, operational budgets, and planned CAPEX for indications of known liabilities and/or discrepancies with expected expenditures.
Social and Cultural Risk Evaluations
To serve the needs of global financing institutions as well as corporate requirements for ESG standards, following IFC performance standards as well as EBRD performance requirements.
Integration Risk Assessments
To analyze due diligence with foresight to understand EHS challenges from a post-acquisition integration standpoint (merging management, systems, policies, procedures, and cultures).
Liability Identification, Quantification, and Risk Transfer
To identify and understand EHS downside risks, evaluate triggers, assess the likelihood of realizing the risks. Then we develop plans for managing the risks post-acquisition, and offer tools and solutions for mitigating exposures.
Cost Modeling and Probabilistic Liability Quantification
For situations involving significant uncertainties and unknowns forecasted as part of the risk analysis. Probabilistic modeling can provide a reasonable approach to risk quantification such that the risks can be incorporated into financial models at the deal table.
Transportation Safety and Compliance
Evaluate targets for fleet safety, vehicle maintenance records, driver training programs, and DOT compliance. We also have the capability to quickly benchmark a target against its peers for vehicle inspection rates (and associated violation rates), behavior analysis and safety improvement performance ratings, crash indicator scores, enforcement cases, fines imposed, and vehicle out-of-service rates.
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