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sustainability leadership consulting
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Sustainability Leadership Consulting

We help our clients to plot and accelerate along their sustainability roadmaps through our proven tools and methods. Together, we move clients’ sustainability business cases from the anecdotal to the tangible and drive change throughout their organization.

Support with a Global Reach

With resources across the globe to support your efforts, we coach, plan, measure, and report on sustainability programs that yield substantive benefits for people, products, planet, and profit.

Our Sustainability Leadership Services

Profitable Sustainability

Antea®Group consultants offer expert guidance and support to ensure your company adopts environmental best practices that result in significant competitive advantages and cost savings. We’re committed to helping organizations monetize their sustainability initiatives and prove the true business value of their efforts.

Sustainability Vision-Setting and Roadmapping

Starting at the executive level, we will help you set, vet, and meet profitable sustainability roadmap goals into the years ahead. By looking at your risks and opportunities holistically, analyzing uncertainty and impact along the sustainability frontier, we help you plot pathways to enable innovation-based growth and reduce exposure.

Strategic Executive Training and Support

We coach CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, and other executives in creating a vision and executing profitable sustainability throughout their organizations, products, and supply chains. 

Goals, Metrics and Progress Measures

Powered by Antea Group's software solution, we help you optimize data and reporting, leading to the delivery of relevant, practical, timely, and reliable sustainable business progress. 

GHG Scope 3 Reductions

For companies ready to reduce the costs and environmental impacts of their supply chains, products, employee travel and commutes, purchases, and more, we offer support for GHG Scope 3 planning and execution.

Partnerships and Industry Engagement

We understand that true thought-leading organizations cannot exist in a vacuum, and are proud to be partners and participants in a number of sustainability and industry collaborations including the Beverage Industry Environmental RoundtableHealthcare Plastics Recycling CouncilEHSxTech®EHSxRetail, the CE100, and the ReMADE Institute. We also chaired the 2017 iNEMI Roadmap on Eco-Design and recommended Circular Economy practices for the Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition.

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety, and sustainability needs today.