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Facility Optimization

Antea®Group works around the globe to optimize facilities with custom solutions that include analyzing data, conducting energy and climate risk assessments, and more.

Optimizing the Sustainability and Business Resiliency of Your Facilities and Assets

Our experts have successfully applied optimization strategies from small, single-plant operations to Fortune 50 companies, including facilitating close to 100 energy and water assessments and workshops worldwide in the past 3 years. We regularly work with mature industries and thought leaders who recognize that facility optimization is fundamental to business success and a foundation for pursuing corporate sustainability strategies.

Our pragmatic approach focuses on a range of facility optimization opportunities, including next-day behavioral changes, near zero-cost operational changes, quick payback improvements, and long-term optimization options. By adopting a multi-dimensional approach, we assist clients to reduce resource usage (e.g. energy, water, waste, and greenhouse gases), cost, supply risk, and environmental impact. With experienced professionals available in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, Antea Group delivers strategic thinking and hands-on resources your company needs around the globe.

Our team understands that some clients are simply looking for quick wins or savings, while others come to use looking to transition to a more programmatic, sustained approach to facility optimization. We listen to your needs and work with your team to find solutions that fit your company and deliver real business value.

Our Facility Optimization Services

Data Analytics

Efficiently reviewing facility operational data to evaluate performance trends and correlations to help clients hone in on the greatest opportunities for optimization.

Risk and Opportunity Screening

Combining a streamlined facility survey to solicit internal perspectives with external contextual data to prioritize actions and investments across a portfolio of sites.

Baseline Performance and Culture

Defining baseline performance expectations (Top 10 Efficiency Measures), tracking implementation progress, and instilling a culture of optimization across a portfolio of sites.

Facility Optimization Assessments (Energy, Carbon, Water, Waste)

A mass balance optimization assessment of a facility resulting in a prioritized understanding of a facility’s energy, carbon, water, and/or waste opportunities with ROI (payback) calculations.

Project Financial and Technical Analysis

Providing owner’s engineer support to transition prioritized opportunities into a reality through defining technical specifications, conducting investment grade analysis, and evaluating available incentives and rebates.

Tools, Training, Benchmarking and Management Programs

Offering fit-for-client support to enhance and sustain facility optimization efforts in the short- and long-term.

Download Our Facility Optimization eBook

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety, and sustainability needs today.

Elizabeth Beck
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