Based upon decades of supporting risk assessments for clients, Antea Group has discovered two fundamental insights:
1. Risk assessment can mean very different things to different people; and
2. Companies underestimate the opportunities missed in not deploying a fit-for-purpose risk assessment process with clear objectives for quantifiable risk reduction.
The inevitable result is that many companies exert too much energy and effort in the assessment process with little left for actual implementation of meaningful insights, actions, and investments.
When an organization is considering their risk management strategy, risk assessments are a vital tool in helping to understand the full picture. However, any evaluation becomes vastly more insightful and actionable when paired with a full understanding of the specific organizational EHS risks competing for risk-reducing actions and resources.
Quantifying and Preparing for Risk Today and Tomorrow
Obviously some risk assessments are required by standards or regulations and there is little room for creativity or customization in order to meet specific business objectives. However, opportunities such as global water risk screening can help internal company risk assessment processes more appropriately balance effort vs. outcome. For instance, many organizations struggle with quantifying safety risk through assigning probability and severity, when all they may need to do is identify those risks.
The key is to define an approach that is aligned with the business challenge at hand in terms of the company’s appetite for risk, operational scope and context, and competitive landscape. In other words, taking the time to define a fit-for-purpose approach will reap significant advantages such as business risk assessment for climate change or legacy liability reserve estimation both during and after implementation.
This is something Antea Group does really well--as Sustainability Practice Leader Nick Martin puts it, "While Antea Group can, of course, help your organization handle required risk assessments, we also love to use our technical expertise, tools and listening capabilities to really understand what you are trying to achieve with your risk assessment efforts and using that as a jumping-off point for a more custom solution."
"We are about going deeper, getting at the true business implications of your risks, and implementing the right risk reduction strategies for your business," adds Scott Recker, Environmental Remediation Practice Leader.
Translating Business Risk into Dollars and Cents
Our expertise helps you interpret implications, understand further considerations, and make a plan. We want to understand your risk threshold--what it is and why you feel that way, and then partner with you to create a holistic, realistic plan that works for your organization. This business-first approach, underpinned by our unmatched technical expertise, gives you the best of both worlds.
We know resources (capital, human, and environmental) are limited and want to help you understand how to best allocate the resources you do have, keeping in mind your big-picture goals and the landscape you are operating in now and into the future. The world is complicated, and we're here to help you navigate it and provide an additional set of expert eyes.
Our scalable, flexible, and insightful support can be tailored by location or regionally based on your needs and your business, and we can work with all levels of your organization. We can help you unravel the complexity of EHS business risk for your full organization, or help you zero in on one specific aspect of your risk in a single location.
Learn more about Antea Group’s approach to risk assessment, or contact us for more information on how we can help your organization today.
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