Scott Recker
Vice President
Environmental Remediation Practice Leader
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- Scott Recker
Scott Recker is a Senior Consultant with more than 25 years of industry experience. His focus is the strategic development and management of regional and national multi-disciplinary project teams to solve environmental business problems. Scott employs a sound scientific foundation and approach with his teams through a focused understanding of regulatory, technical and organization goals. His strengths lie in his ability to quickly assess the organizational needs related to environmental issues and build teams to provide unique solutions in an environment of strong communication, high energy and cooperation. Specific areas of expertise include regulatory negotiation, expert witness testimony, complex multi source investigations, environmental needs assessment, remediation portfolio management and management consulting
Scott has worked on a numerous client and project management assignments ranging from $5,000 to $3 million and is a trained meeting facilitator. Federal program interaction has included Superfund, SEPA, CWA, Endangered Species Act, US Army Corps of Engineers, RCRA, TSCA, Cluster Rule, and EPCRA.
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Passive Soil Gas Survey to Define Extent of Groundwater Contamination

Successful In Situ Chemical Oxidation at a Chlorinated Site

Acid Release Remediation Results in Over 1.5 Million Dollars Saved

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