
Beth Firkins


St. Paul, MN

Practice Area:

Environmental Health and Safety and Sustainability

Area(s) of expertise:

Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable, Incident Management, and Data Management

About Me in 140 Characters:

I’m highly motivated by food, love adventure, spending time with my family, learning new things, and I love being a mom.

Favorite Thing about Being a Health and Safety and Sustainability Practitioner:

I love that I get to work with clients around the globe.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

One of my favorite parts is doing design work and helping people take something from boring looking to “Oh wow!” I also love working with the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable communications team to promote sustainability in the beverage industry.

If someone at a party asks what you do, how to you respond?

First, there is an awkward pause–then I say, “I work for an environmental consulting firm for a variety of clients to help them with their environmental, health, safety, and sustainability needs.”

What do you consider your biggest professional achievement so far?

I started out in with a very different background; I was in restaurant management for 10 years before Antea Group. I wanted to make a change in my quality of life, so I decided to change professions. I started at Antea Group as a paraprofessional supporting our operations. I have learned so much from so many different people and now I’ve made it all the way to being a project professional.

If you had one month off, where would you go or what would you do?

I would walk across northern Spain on the Camino de Santiago. It’s this pilgrimage trail that people have been walking for thousands of years. You have to walk 15 miles a day and it takes around a month to get all the way across Spain.

What is your most treasured possession?

The scrap quilts that my grandmother made. She made some quilts for people and used the leftover fabric scraps to make a few scrap quilts. She was a really strong, independent woman and was my role model growing up, so they mean a lot to me.

If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I would eat sushi. It has grains, vegetables, and a protein all in one. 

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