Over the past 30 years, we have managed thousands of contaminated sites. We have permitted, designed, installed, and operated hundreds of remedial systems. Our project teams have extensive experience with various remedial technologies including in-situ (air sparging, soil vapor extraction, dual phase extraction, phytoremediation, chemical oxidation, bioremediation, sub-slab depressurization, and LNAPL recovery, etc.) and ex-situ (pump and treat with granular activated carbon, air stripping, clarification, oil/water separators, filtration etc.).
In addition, we design and employ state-of-the-art monitoring technologies (such as SCADA with telemetry and apps) that can provide real-time data, which is critical in optimizing system performance and improving runtimes. We can review various system parameters such as (but not limited to) system flow, pressure, temperature, tank levels, groundwater elevations, and other data as needed. This continued evaluation helps optimize, direct, and control the system to meet its stated project goals.
Our technical experts work closely with technology vendors and universities to bench/pilot test new, cutting-edge technologies to address challenging problems. We share best practices through our Engineering Assurance Program (EAP) and our internal technical message boards.