Jack Sheldon
Senior Professional
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- Jack Sheldon
Jack Sheldon, a remediation expert for Antea Group, has more than 40 years of experience as a project, program, and technical director. He has specialized in the field application of various types of bioremediation and chemical oxidation/reduction systems, with personal involvement in 27 first‐type remediation projects in their respective states. He has completed remediation projects in all 50 states and more than three dozen locations abroad. Jack has provided global remediation, microbiology, and regulatory negotiation services for many government and commercial clients on concerns of soil, sediment, air, and groundwater. He has worked extensively with site investigations, prepared various environmental reports, and successfully managed numerous projects and technology programs. He works regularly with investigation tools including MIP, HPT, LIF, UVOST, ROST, and FLUTe™. His primary expertise has been in the identification/selection of remediation technologies for projects and the monitoring of those technologies. Jack has designed, implemented, and supervised hundreds of treatability/pilot studies comparing technologies. He is actively involved in the design, equipment selection, monitoring, supervision, and peer review of full‐scale remediation projects using a broad array of technologies.
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