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Antea Group Utilizes EHS Management Software to deliver a Powerful Industrial Hygiene Solution

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Antea Group Utilizes EHS Management Software to deliver a Powerful Industrial Hygiene Solution


Antea Group was charged with evaluating and determining improvements to the Industrial Hygiene (IH) programs for two client companies, facilitating collaboration so that they could share their knowledge and optimize the effectiveness of their IH programs.

Both companies already had an established IH workflow and processes that supported their EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) policies and programs, yet they still sought to improve the efficiency of their IH program. These clients were seeking:

  • Increased automation
  • Workflow consistency and continuity
  • Enhanced data management 
  • Enhanced knowledge transfer and shared learning of best practices
  • Enhanced work product through quality assurance
  • Transparency and visibility that drive performance-based standards
  • A centralized information and data repository


Antea Group devised a strategy to achieve these objectives and deliver a cost-effective solution that would satisfy both clients. The strategy had the following components:

  • Evaluating each client’s IH program to understand similarities and differences
  • Encouraging inter-client idea sharing and  generation
  • Utilizing the combined knowledge of Antea Group’s IH, client, and technology experts
  • Documenting client workflows including input, data analysis, and reporting requirements 

The tool that would satisfy all these objectives was a technology-enabled IH solution. The implementation stage consisted of the following steps:

  • Formalizing client requirements and conceptual design
  • Architecting a final design, schedule, and budget
  • Deploying a solution for validation 
  • Uploading historical data
  • Training users


Benefits for the clients included value-added insights into program policies, processes, and workflows from shared knowledge, program cost efficiency, and enhanced quality assurance and program continuity. Additionally, historical data was scrubbed and all data was now centralized, retrievable and able to be analyzed for trends. These processes were implemented for client facilities globally.

Read more about Antea Group's industrial hygiene support.

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