Meet Hollie DePuydt, an Environmental Remediation practitioner based in Wisconsin. 


Hollie DePuydt 


St. Paul working remotely in northern Wisconsin 

Practice Area:

Environmental Remediation

Areas of expertise:

Environmental contaminant investigation and remediation 

About Me in 140 Characters:

I am an engineer, a mom, and a volleyball coach. I am competitive in just about everything I do. I enjoy the outdoors as long as it is warm enough. 

Favorite Thing about Being an Environmental Remediation Practitioner:

Using site-specific analytical data to design a solution to achieve the client's goals. 

What is the most interesting project you’ve ever worked on?

One interesting project was a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of an unoccupied deteriorating mansion. The site visit of the mansion and grounds along with researching the history of the property is just one of the things that keeps this job exciting. 

What areas of Environmental Remediation are you most interested in? 

I like to think outside of the box to find a solution to a client's issue cost efficiently while improving environmental quality. 

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An MLB player or the President.

If you had one month off, where would you go, or what would you do?

I would find warm weather and explore areas of the country that I haven’t seen before like the hot springs in Utah, Alaska, and the Florida Keys. 

Is there something unique that people might not know about you?

I started playing volleyball in middle school and haven’t stopped. I enjoy passing on my knowledge of the game by coaching and assisting in running our youth volleyball program. I take every chance I get to get onto the court. 

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