Meet Chris Meyer, the Energy Marketer and Convenience Retail Sub-Segment Lead at Antea Group based in our White Plains, New York office.
Greater New York – White Plains
Practice Area:
As the Energy Marketer and Convenience Retail Sub-Segment Lead, I am involved in almost all of our Practice Areas, however, my background is primarily in Environmental Liability Management (ELM).
Areas of Expertise:
Site Assessment and Remediation, with a focus on liquid-phase hydrocarbons
About Me in 140 Characters:
Twenty years ago, I joined Antea Group as a staff professional. I’ve managed remediations projects, and portfolios, lead an office, and now I lead one of our largest accounts.
Favorite Thing about Being an ELM Practitioner:
As an ELM practitioner, I enjoy developing the conceptual site model and then working with stakeholders to evaluate and negotiate the path forward. As a sub-segment lead, I really enjoy engaging with the industry, learning about their EHS and business challenges, and finding ways to leverage the skills and expertise we have and provide value.
What is the most interesting project you’ve ever worked on?
For almost 20 years, I’ve been involved with the remediation of a historical release of millions of gallons of free phase hydrocarbons on a 10-acre parcel in Brooklyn, NY. The project has offered so many diverse geologic, engineering, and stakeholder challenges, that there was always something to learn. Projects of this scale don’t really come around too often. It’s provided access to resources, tools, and technologies that aren’t necessarily scalable to smaller projects and it’s afforded me the opportunity to collaborate with some really intelligent and hardworking people.
What are some of your favorite tools/resources for professional development in this practice area?
I have been fortunate to run behind and alongside some very smart and experienced people in my tenure with Antea Group. For that reason, I’d have to say, my peers. Even if I don’t always agree or am critical of their approach, working with the folks here really gets the blood flowing and challenges me to learn more. Also, the internet. I mean, you have to be critical about what you’re reading and the source, but the ability to access tools, information, and learning media that was previously hidden away in written publications or required face-to-face instruction, is staggering. This also includes the wealth of information you can find regarding the companies you are working with.
What areas of the Environmental Remediation practice are you most interested in?
My interests have traditionally been on developing effective strategies for energy companies to manage their environmental liabilities, either to meet regulatory requirements or as part of their evolving business strategy. As the years have gone on, it’s been interesting to see how energy companies are reevaluating their place in the industry and their communities and finding value in appropriately managing these liabilities.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
My increased involvement with Energy Segment. First, I feel like I am working to help influence how our company is going to be perceived in the marketplace. Second, it’s been great getting to know the business owners and operators that are active in the Energy Segment. I enjoy learning about their EHS and business challenges, and potentially exposing them to ways to provide additional value or make their jobs easier.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A game show contestant, like a Price is Right winner. I seemed to think there was nothing left to do after you won the Showcase Showdown. You were set. I realize now that these are not careers.
What TV show character do you identify most with?
As a kid, it was Milhouse Van Houten. As an adult, I don’t know, TV is a pretty bleak place. You see Game of Thrones? Yikes.
If you had one month off, where would you go, or what would you do?
This may be a cop-out, but I have a wife and three kids. I’d let them each pick a week and a place. The time with them, especially the kids, goes pretty quick. I really enjoy when I can see them doing something that they enjoy. Besides, it certainly seems more enjoyable than dragging them to a month of hikes, music festivals, and board gaming.
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