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Large Above Ground Storage Tank
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From Chaos to Order: Antea Group Reduces Risks and Costs for Petroleum Client

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From Chaos to Order: Antea Group Reduces Risks and Costs for Petroleum Client


A leak had occurred at an underground flange connecting a 750,000 gallon petroleum aboveground storage tank with a buried pipeline. Although another firm was managing the incident, Antea Group was engaged to provide technical expertise on how to reduce unproductive spend and decrease regulatory risk. There were many issues connected with management methods, such as inadequate activated carbon management practices, groundwater capture strategy deficiency, and system reliability concerns. EHS challenges at the site included sensitive receptors immediately downgradient of the contaminant plume as well as contact with high concentrations of petroleum constituents in groundwater.


Antea Group started by conducting a field audit of operation and maintenance activities and a review of the project file. We then wrote a summary report which included recommended alterations in operation and maintenance procedures and site monitoring strategy. The objective was to minimize unproductive spend, reduce regulatory risk associated with the site’s NPDES permit, and facilitate the closure of an Administrative Consent Order associated with the incident.

Antea Group took over the execution of system operations and maintenance including weekly NPDES permit-required maintenance. We continued the operation of the groundwater extraction system and completed bi-monthly surface water and groundwater monitoring. Antea Group went a step further, performing a lifecycle and strategy analysis including closure path forecasting. Our personnel from field technicians to senior engineers/hydrogeologists and project management worked together seamlessly and efficiently.


  • The project transitioned from the other firm to Antea Group which resulted in approximate cost savings to the client of $400,000 – $800,000 a year
  • The operational reliability of the system increased from <50% to >95%
  • The site went from having multiple NPDES Notices of Violation to such continued compliance that the monitoring frequency was reduced
  • We have recovered 300,000 gallons of free-phase gasoline products, treated and discharged approximately 17,000,000 gallons of groundwater
  • The evaluation of a closure strategy resulted in more favorable regulatory relationships and reduced risk/cost exposure
  • The Administrative Consent Order associated with the incident is near closure

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