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Answering Global EHS Questions
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Answering Global EHS Questions


A global infrastructure rehabilitation and protection corporation that specialized in utility pipeline rehabilitation and strengthening of buildings, bridges, tunnels, and waterfront structures had branches and manufacturing facilities throughout the world, as well as field crews performing installations in the U.S. and abroad.

Like many global companies, the Environmental Manager for the client’s Infrastructure Solutions business unit sat at their corporate office in the U.S. but had responsibilities throughout the U.S. and Canada. They needed answers to location-specific EHS and regulatory questions for their facilities around the world.


Antea Group utilized Global RegSupport HelpDesk, our pay-as-you-go service that links a global network of EHS professionals to answer regulatory and industry questions, and provided answers to global regulatory questions for the client in a cost-efficient manner.


After the client requested an answer to a trial question concerning waste product disposal requirements, they expressed that they were extremely pleased with our response to the trial question. Subsequently, they expanded and renewed their subscription for three years and counting to cover 17 of their personnel with EHS&S responsibilities across 31 countries. 

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