
Toni Cooper


St. Paul, MN

Practice Area:

HR Recruiting

Area(s) of expertise:

Applicant Management, Event Coordination

About Me in 140 Characters:

I’m married with three adult children (the adult part being the most important.) I have a dog that I love with all my heart. I enjoy all things outdoors and traveling.

Favorite Thing about Being in Human Resources:

Getting to speak to so many different people.

What is a key ingredient for success in Human Resources?

The key ingredient for success is strong on-going communications between the hiring manager and the recruiting team. It is critical that both parties understand expectations and requirements to fill open roles.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Interacting with hiring managers and the interview team to gain a better understanding of the qualifications related to resourcing needs.

What surprises people about your job?

Is the level of effort required to properly manage both internal and external expectations, including applicant management. 

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an elementary school teacher.

What was your first job?

A YMCA youth counselor.

Is there something unique that people might not know about you? (hobbies, hidden talents, etc.)

I love yoga, cooking, reading, and spending time with my grandson and dog. 

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