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Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure

When it comes to sustainability reporting, a thorough and well-composed public disclosure provides investors and stakeholders with a clear understanding of a company's approach, goals and performance on the variety of environmental, social and governance topics that are most material to their business.

Effectively Telling Your Sustainability Story on Your Terms

At Antea®Group, we understand the increasing expectations around transparency and are well-positioned to help our clients meet these expectations while also driving business value from reporting and disclosure.

With over 10 years of experience in sustainability reporting and disclosure, we have developed a streamlined, fit-for-purpose process to support our clients. We view corporate sustainability reporting as a journey and are experienced at crafting expert solutions specifically tailored to your reporting needs at every stage of the process. Through strategic navigation of the variety of raters, rankers and reporting frameworks that exist today, our process helps to ensure that companies are providing a solid and compelling message to both internal and external stakeholders.

Our Corporate Reporting Services

  • Reporting strategy support to review which ESG raters or rankers are most relevant to an organization and establish tactical disclosure strategies.
  • Preparation of comprehensive Sustainability, CSR, and ESG reports that tell your sustainability story in an accurate, impactful way.
  • Reporting alignment with common reporting standards and frameworks such as GRI, SASB, and TCFD.
  • Preparation of third-party disclosures such as CDP, S&P Global CSA (DJSI), and EcoVadis.
  • Comprehensive Data Management Support for ESG performance indicators

CDP Accredited Provider

As a CDP Accredited Consultancy Provider, we are pleased to provide clients with CDP disclosure and corporate reporting services for the Climate Change, Water Security and Forests questionnaires. Support services are tailored to our clients’ CDP disclosure maturity, ranging from first-time response strategy and external message development to gap assessment and response optimization for repeat disclosures.

GRI Community Member

Antea Group is a proud member of the GRI Community, partnering with the Global Reporting Initiative to support companies striving to develop fuller, more comprehensive sustainability reporting.

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety, and sustainability needs today.