Meaghan McNaney
Corporate Reporting and Disclosure Services Lead
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- Meaghan McNaney
Meaghan McNaney is a Consultant and experienced sustainability practitioner with a diverse background in corporate reporting and disclosure; sustainability metrics and data management; environmental liability management; and facilitation of global EHS management systems. Meaghan leads and supports various sustainability projects including the development and preparation of sustainability reports and disclosure analyses, data analysis for benchmarking initiatives, management of sustainability metrics and plausibility studies, water risk analyses, and carbon inventories. She currently leads a variety of reporting and data management projects and manages international EHS programs for various clients.
Supplemental experience includes a comprehensive understanding of environmental law; environment and energy auditing; advanced renewable energy analysis; environmental design and planning, and comprehensive land planning. She has also worked in the fields of wilderness management, soils science, community planning for sustainability, and invasive species management. Meaghan is passionate about the environment and working to improve client sustainability, which is complemented by her variety of skills and knowledge
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