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Active Threat Awareness

With the increase in active threat situations, it is important that companies update their current emergency preparedness and workplace violence plans and procedures to include this type of risk.

Awareness Combined with a Practiced Emergency Response Plan Can Save Lives

We understand the importance of proper preparation and can assist you with creating a custom approach based on the type of risk your business might experience. We believe that this is an important component of a well-rounded health and safety culture.

We can work with key stakeholders (such as security or risk management) to determine the best solution for your environment and provide appropriate components that are carefully crafted towards this sensitive topic.

Our Active Threat Awareness Services

  • Review and Revision of Emergency Response Plan or Workplace Violence Plan to include active threat risks.
  • Review of communication plan to ensure that employees are properly informed during these dynamic situations.
  • Onsite awareness training based on the principles set forth by Homeland Security.
  • Tabletop drills to talk through how to handle this type of emergency.
  • Facilitation of live drills to have employees physically walk through their planned actions.
  • Assist with a Building Vulnerability Assessment to determine potential gaps.
  • Development of flyers, posters, or other materials to communicate the key points to all employees.

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety, and sustainability needs today.