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Completing a Source Water Vulnerability Assessment at a Beverage Bottling Facility
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Completing a Source Water Vulnerability Assessment at a Beverage Bottling Facility

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Completing a Source Water Vulnerability Assessment at a Beverage Bottling Facility


The Client, a global food and beverage company, requested a Source water Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) for their bottling facility. The Client was asked by a partner of theirs to complete an SVA to assess the physical, regulatory, and social risks associated with their local water supply and understand how these risks can impact business operations and production. This is an important due diligence requirement set by the Client’s partner who has strict requirements in place. 

This project took place from November 2023 – February 2024 with a site visit in December 2023. Antea Group wrote the SVA using data provided by the Client as well as information gathered during the site visit and additional desktop research. The final report will help the Client identify vulnerabilities within their water supply as well as watershed and community investment opportunities.


To complete this project, the project team gathered facility data, performed a site visit, and drafted the SVA report. We worked closely with our facility contact to gather site-specific information in our data collection template as well as close any information gaps. During the report drafting phase, we utilized our digital solutions team to generate figures that helped to clearly communicate the data and identify trends and vulnerabilities. 


As a result of our work, the Client facility received a final SVA report which will increase their visibility into water risks associated with their watershed and allow them to now meet the requirements of their partner. This detailed 251-page report will better prepare the Client to address water vulnerabilities impacting their business operations and also present them with strategies for improving the health of their local watershed. Part of the partner’s requirements is that the facility completes an SVA every 5 years, so we hope to work with them again on this type of project in the future.

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