
Chris Bone


Home-based in St. Petersburg, Florida

Practice Area:

EHS data management

About Me in 140 Characters: 

BS in microbiology. I grew up in a very rural area of Florida and have always lived in the state. I currently live in St. Petersburg with my dog Nala.

Favorite Thing about being a Practitioner: 

My favorite thing is that I get to work across all practice areas, so I am always learning something new. 

What is a key ingredient for success as a practitioner? 

The most valuable asset when trying to implement software is listening. It is extremely important to start projects with an open mind and open ears, many times what you think is the right solution for a client doesn’t meet their most basic needs. 

What area of this practice are you most interested in? Why?

The area I work in allows me to utilize new and exciting technologies. This area is changing so incredibly fast and it is exciting to be able to think of new ways to incorporate emerging technologies such as mobile tech, wearable devices, and augmented reality. 

What surprises people about your job? 

The thing that surprises me the most is how many very large companies are still managing their data in outdated or labor intensive ways. So many people are still spending all of their time collecting information and very little time using that information. 

If you could develop a new solution, what would it be? 

If I had one, it would already be in the works!

What was your first job?

There may have been some child labor laws violated, but I worked for a family run video store from the time I was 10 until I started college. 

What is on the top of your bucket list? 

Travel to Australia/New Zealand. There is so much to see there that one vacation wouldn’t be enough.  

What historical or fictional character would you most like to work with?

Nikola Tesla, although I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to comprehend anything he was working on. He was a fascinating person with some incredible ideas. 

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