Jon Pesicka
Senior Consultant
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- Jon Pesicka
Jon Pesicka has more than 30 years of engineering and consulting experience in various industry segments including oil & gas, manufacturing, and retail. Jon’s expertise includes strategic environmental liability management and business-minded remediation solutions, as well as decommissioning planning and implementation, hydrocarbon investigation, transaction support, regulatory advocacy, and facility compliance. Jon also assists attorneys as an expert technical advisor during legal depositions and legal proceedings and supports counsel with strategy development and information discovery. A focus of Jon’s experience is to collaboratively work with clients to identify their needs and to support the development of a defined scope of work. Ideally, proactive identification of high value, high-risk factors during the planning stages can prevent schedule and cost surprises later in the project life cycle.
Jon has provided portfolio management oversight for over 1,000 petroleum-impacted properties across the United States. Clients value Jon’s technical focus, attention to detail, and ability to seamlessly coalesce cross-functional teams to ensure compliance of common policy and procedure throughout an organization.
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