Caron Koll
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- Caron Koll
Over the span of 35+ years, Caron has developed focused environmental response actions, and managed hundreds of environmental investigations and remedial projects in the Northeast and Midwest United States, and South America. Caron is a per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) subject matter expert and PFAS service line leader. She attributes her success with PFAS assessment and remediation to understanding clients’ objectives, an in-depth knowledge of contaminant fate and transport properties, environmental regulations, staying current with emerging contaminants and an aptitude for identifying creative and cost saving solutions. Caron has experience serving a wide spectrum of industrial clients including: chemical manufacturing, oil and gas, energy, automotive, transportation, and general manufacturing which allowed Caron to excel at PFAS client services. Caron has been responsible for advising clients of appropriate and response actions. Foremost, Caron is responsible for collaborating with clients on forecasting future needs driven by public and environmental health and safety, business economic dynamics and regulatory mandates.
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