In the State of California, businesses need to complete and submit a Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). See if you qualify and learn how to submit your plan.
Here in the state of California, businesses need to complete and submit a Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP) if they handle a hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material that has a quantity at any one time during the year of:
- 55 gallons (liquids), 500 pounds (solids), or 200 cubic feet for a compressed gas
- An amount equal to or greater than the threshold planning quantity of an extremely hazardous substance
- A total of 1,000 cubic feet if the hazardous material is classified as a hazard solely as a compressed gas
Not surprisingly, many businesses, from warehouses to grocery stores to even remote telecom facilities, end up qualifying for HMBPs, and the owners might not even realize it!
The rationale for HMBPs is to help first responders protect themselves from potential contact with hazardous materials in the event of an emergency. The HMBP also satisfies the Federal disclosure requirements under Community-Right-to-Know laws. As such, the HMBP should contain an inventory of hazardous materials, emergency response plans and procedures, plans to address training for all employees in safety procedures, and a site map showing exit points, hazardous material handling and storage areas, and emergency response equipment.
While each Certified Unified Program Agency around the state may set its own date for the HMBPs to be filed and updated each year, March 1 is the standard deadline in most cities and counties. So now is the time to make sure your HMBP is up to date in the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). While you are at it, now would also be a good time to review your Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to make sure nothing has changed since the last time they were reviewed. If you have added a new tank or new regulated activity, please remember to update those plans as well!
If you would like some help reviewing your HMBP, SPCC, or SWPPP, please feel free to reach out to your local Antea Group office for support.
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